Now Available!

The HaloIR is the first sauna to offer a synergistic combination of Dry Salt Therapy, Infrared Sauna, Chromatherapy, and Red Light Therapy. It was created to engage all 5 senses for a truly transformative experience.
Dry Salt Therapy involves breathing in air infused with tiny, pharmaceutical-grade salt particles. It's considered a natural treatment for respiratory and skin conditions.
The Infrared Sauna is a therapy that uses invisible light wave that heat the body which in turn soothes muscles, increases blood flow, and promotes relaxation.
Benefits of a HaloIR Session

Dry Salt Therapy
Improves Respiratory Wellness
Increases Immune System
Helps Relieve Skin Conditions

Chromotherapy, also called color light therapy, is the process of restoring balance to the body by applying color.
We use medical-grade chromotherapy that is very powerful, using 96 LED lights with an array of 12 colors

Infrared Sauna
Promotes Detoxification
Relieves Muscle Tension & Stress
Increases Circulation

Red Light Therapy
Reduction of Chronic and Acute Pain
Skin Rejuvenation (boost collagen & elastin production)
Reduces inflammation and helps with muscle recovery
Boosts Immune system and more
FAQs on Halotherapy
How long does a typical session last? Our sessions last 20 minutes
What do I wear? Sportswear, Light colored or loose-fitted clothing
What should I feel or notice during a session? For the most part, you will not experience anything different, initially. You may experience a runny nose or slight cough.
What do I do during a session? Just breathe... take in the moment. This is your time; you should reduce distractions and find a space to unwind.
Can I have daily sessions of Halotherapy? Yes, unless told otherwise by a medical professional.
How many sessions do I need before I feel or see results? Everyone will experience Halotherapy differently depending on their situation. Some may experience immediate relief while others may need more frequent sessions